Who We Are
Origin Story | Values

Origin Story
Founded in early 2021, Edge Collaborative is a civic incubator, born from the needs we saw while working in local government. There, we had an up-close seat to the mechanics of public bureaucracy - including both its broad range of capabilities in serving its constituency as well as a variety of its institutional blind spots.
We observed a few things during our time there:
In many cases, community and volunteer groups serve as the culture and history-keepers of a place. They are grounded in how the community has evolved and changed over time - often to their detriment;
Many of the public systems that have been designed for administration and compliance have in turn left very little room for meaningful community input;
Cities wanted projects to attract investment, and community groups demanded that projects respond to their neighborhood needs and environmental considerations. Very often, these dynamics led to antagonism and increased tensions between the two.
Over several years, we came to understand that many of the emergent disconnects in the region might be better addressed if the region could fundamentally reimagine its challenges as opportunities to collaborate. Doing so would entail bringing groups that normally didn’t interact with one another - a coalition of unlikely allies. But to do this would require investing in a layer of civic infrastructure - to translate local community-led priorities into a tangible set of projects and public-private partnerships.
After leaving City Hall, we founded a civic incubator to do just that – animated by a belief that our most significant economic and social challenges – inequality and climate – are also our greatest opportunities to innovate and work together. We believe that all of us deserve a more participatory, inclusive economy where communities have greater agency over their future. We’re starting this work in Stockton. And the challenges for Stockton, as for other American cities, will grow as we grapple with an unprecedented magnitude of economic transition over the next several decades.
Humility in service of community
We care deeply about the communities in which we work, and endeavor to put their needs at the center of how we design and incubate new initiatives. We strive to balance the boldness of our imagination with the recognition that slow, sustained trust building with partners is critical to the long-term viability of the work.
Our Values
Sheer whimsy
We believe that serious work calls for a playful attitude, as we imagine what is possible. Play is derived from a place of joy and speaks to how we aspire to brighten our days. Plus, what’s life without a lil bit of whimsy?
Beginner’s mindset
We love asking the ‘stupid questions’ to understand what is possible. Our greatest asset is our curiosity as beginners (not experts). We want to discover how and why particular systems and people have been historically neglected by the public and private sectors.
We believe that bold solutions emerge from the margins (or edges, as we might say). The first answer is usually never right, but we’re not afraid of being wrong. We bring a passionate persistence to breaking through the stalemates and road blocks.
Boundless creativity
We thrive as a team. We take inspiration from “keystone species” in ecology - modeling our work after the resourcefulness of penguins and the vibrancy of bees. We cross-pollinate ideas, sectors, and institutions to help manifest the untapped potential of the people we serve.